German Street & Love Island .

2017 - Changde, China.
with Rheinscheme 

Full Lighting Scope.

The City of Changde in The South of China has developed a strong relationship with the city of Hanover in Germany and has proceed to open its own Commercial development based on German Architecture to provide a place of cultural and commercial exchange and discovery. The adjacent Land has been dedicated as a Marriage Themed District, named the Love Island. The full illumination of the German street and the Love Island was my responsibility from conception to installation supervision. It included the facades, the landscape and pedestrian streetscape, the artwork illumination, the hotels and exhibition spaces interior illumination etc. 

Street Views

Street Views

Street Views

Street Views and Landscape

Landscape and Popular Reactions

Street Views

Street views

German Street Masterplan

Love Island Masterplan


Street Concept Sketch

Street Simulations

Illumination Levels Studies

Color Temperature Studies

Building Concept Sketch

Building Concept Sketches

Building Concept Sketch

Building Concept Sketch

Building Concept Sketch

Landscape Concept Sketch

Pavilion Concept Sketch

Pavilion Concept Sketch

Thematic Masterplan Highlight

Thematic Masterplan Highlight

Details Custom Fixture Creation

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2022 - webdesign by Jean-Jacques Lanzo