Jean-Jacques Lanzo
Development Strategist

My Development and Urban Planning Views

During my travels in Africa and Asia, I grew a unique vision of a socio-economic development field intersecting the world of Urban Planning, Architecture and Productive Activities in deeper and more efficient ways than the traditional government led initiatives. This vision has been sharpened by intensive work with Peter Rich in Johannesburg (Poverty relief projects, Township projects…), with the Asian Metropolitan Studies Program ( Hong Kong Industrial Development, Hanoi Structure Analysis…), with Groupe J Ldt that i co-founded in 2007 (Sine-Saloum Agro-Industrial Masterplan in Senegal, Aksum Touristic Masterplan wit PRA in Ethiopia, Xining Mobility Masterplan in China…), and countless commercial developments through the Asian markets.

Featured Projects

More Projects

Xining Parking Masterplan
Xining Parking Masterplan
Aksum Masterplan
with PRA
Aksum Masterplan
with PRA
Alexandra Township Planning
with PRA
Sine Saloum Aquacultural Development

Xining Main Commercial Street
Xining Main Commercial Street
Xining Main Commercial Street

What can i do for you

Development Consultancy for Public sector and NGO's

Having worked and consulted for a host of governmental initiatives, I am able to provide a full assistance on your development project from the underlying studies to the establishment of a proper strategic plan, taking into account the site, the population,the resources, the infrastructures, the industrial, agricultural or economic trends, the investment ... The synergy and depth of my solutions is a direct consequence of my wide reaching architectural and town planning background that allows your organisation to depart from the one-dimensional vision of development too often reduced to a accountant's technical work instead of the province of imagination, audacity and creativity.

Development Consultancy for Private Developers

I have been consulted by several businesses and investors to provide initial investigations on projects involving the establishment of structures within a territory. from geographical,legal and cultural insertion in a site, to the ability of a site to support and grow activities, I go further and offer you a real field of propositions, synergies and ideas, based on 20 years of experience, to drive the success of your project beyond your expectations.

Each case is different. let's talk about it...

It all starts by contacting me 

I am located between Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East 
However my physical location never impacts my ability to deliver on your project.
You can drop me a message through the Whatsapp icon on the bottom right of your screen 
the next best way to instantly be in touch is by dropping me an email:

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