Jean-Jacques Lanzo
Educator & Thinker

Transmission and Thinking

During the course of the 15 last years, I have been involved in the transmission and diffusion of ideas in universities (Hubei University of Technology, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Liaocheng University …) and at the invitation of various organizations around the world (National Ivory Coast Architectural Board, National Togo Architectural Board…). My work has as well been recognized and published in several magazines while I have been contributing with articles and publications to the design and development field.

I have always been teaching, in my practice, tutoring interns and young professionals, in several design companies and professional organizations, leading workshops and training, as well as in universities, as invited professor for specific interventions or longer-term commitments from theoretical to practical subjects. Students appreciate the constant connection that I establish between wider design principles and the practical aspects of their assignment and how I push them to trust their own voice in the creative process. My open-handed approach to transmission has impacted many and I am committed to reach more young designers and thinkers worldwide.

I am as well a sought-after speaker that have been present in a variety of events themed around design, architecture, development and technology as well as the lighting industry. having been exposed to a rich set of practices and real-life cases across the world, I often shed a different light on each theme I address, always in a pedagogic, emphatic and simple way that keep the audience receptive and entertained. My interventions express my firm belief in design as a process being the key and core of intelligent solutions to the problems of our times.  

Public Speaking and Teaching around the world




PAK Lighting Product Company
Lighting Forum Discussion
Beijing, China

UA+E Architectural and Interior Design company
Lighting Design Training
Beijing, China

SYN Architectural Design
Lighting Design Conference
Beijing China 



Global Forum of Decorative Lighting Industry
Lighting Forum Discussion
Guangdong, China

Addis Ababa Real Estate Conference
Presentation and Conference
Guest Speaker
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 



Lioacheng University,
Lighting Design Workshop
Head Teacher and Lecturer
Liaiocheng, China 



West Africa Continental Architectural and Urbanism University (EAMAU)
“Planning, Architecture and Lighting Design… Energy Efficiency Overview)
Guest Speaker
Lomé, Togo, West Africa

Lomé Superior National Architect’s Board 25’s Year Anniversary
“Planning, Architecture and Lighting Design… Energy Efficiency Overview)
Guest Speaker
Lomé, Togo, West Africa

Shenyang Design Conference
“Lighting, Power Savings By Design”
Guest Speaker 

Chengdu Lighting Design Awards
“Lighting Design and Hospitality”
Guest Speaker

Beijing Big Fish Designers Salon
“Design is a cross border attitude”
Guest Speaker

Hubei University Lighting Design Workshop
2 weeks architectural lighting design workshop
Host and Teacher

Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition
“Interior Lighting Design, Hotel Cases”
Guest Speaker

Beijing Lighting Exhibition
“Future Shop” and “Future Restaurant” Pavilions
Space and Lighting Design as invited Designer 

Shanghai Interior Design Expo
“Design is the number 1 saving strategy”
Guest Speaker

Beijing Reggiani Designers Salon
“The art of the Start”
Guest Speaker



Luce Design Guangzhou Salon
“Lighting Design Strategies for Shopping Malls”
Guest Speaker

Shanghai Design Exhibition
“Hotel Lighting Design”
Guest Speaker

Beijing Lighting Exhibition
“Commercial Lighting Design”
Guest Speaker 

What can i do for you

Academic Architecture Assignments for Universities & Education Organisation 

I am always ready to jump in any academic endeavor allowing me to transmit and reinforce the knowledge and passion of our professions to the younger generation.

I typically get involved on long term or short term assignments, whether in person or online with :
- Lectures and Lectures Series
- Talks and Special Events
- Workshops and Studio Supervisions
- Group or Student Tutoring

Academic Lighting Design Assignments for Universities & Education Organisation

I am always ready to jump in any academic endeavor allowing me to transmit and reinforce the knowledge and passion of our professions to the younger generation.

I typically get involved on long term or short term assignments, whether in person or online   with :
- Lectures and Lectures Series 
- Talks and Special Events
- Workshops and Studio Supervisions
- Group or Student Tutoring

Development and Design Talks and Workshops

As my body of work on several markets worldwide has evolved, So has my views on the relationships between development and design. The inherent multidisciplinary nature of my work allows for a unique take on the processes, flaws and perspectives in these fields. I share those insights in Talks, Conferences and Workshops in order to further the collective thinking on those issues and transform the practices and outcomes.

Lighting Design Training for Professional Designers and  Companies

I often lead training for architectural, planning, landscape and  interior firms that need their staff to get a better control over the lighting aspects of their professions. The personalized trainings i dispense cover the lighting from conception to representation, from specifications to control systems with in mind the immediate use of the transmitted knowledge over projects at hand. 

Each case is different. Let's talk about it...

It all starts by contacting me 

I am located between Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East 
However my physical location never impacts my ability to deliver on your project.
You can drop me a message through the Whatsapp icon on the bottom right of your screen 
the next best way to instantly be in touch is by dropping me an email:

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2022 - webdesign by Jean-Jacques Lanzo